Webinar Series:
Cybersecurity Best Practices

Webinar Series

From the Life of a School District CTO
– A Conversation

Thursday, October 24th, 2024
11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET
(45 minutes)

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K-12 Cybersecurity: Budget-Friendly Tools and Strategies for Maximum Protection

Thursday, May 23 - Presenters: Daniel Eickhoff (K-12 Cybersecurity Specialist) and Jeff Teitelbaum (Sr. Solutions Engineer)

K-12 school districts are facing an unprecedented cybersecurity challenge. As guardians of large amounts of sensitive data, schools have become prime targets for cybercriminals. The unique landscape of K-12 institutions – with limited resources, high-risk users, and the imperative to maintain open learning environments – demands tailored cybersecurity solutions to effectively shield our schools from fast evolving global threats.

Top 5 Effective, Yet Often Overlooked Cybersecurity Tools and Strategies

Thursday, May 23 - Presenters: Daniel Eickhoff (K-12 Cybersecurity Specialist) and Jeff Teitelbaum (Sr. Solutions Engineer)

You have your firewall dialed in, your email security set up, and you are working with a top-tier Managed eXtended Detection and Response (MXDR) provider that is monitoring not only your endpoints but all the different attack vectors in your network and has a team of cybersecurity analysts pouring over your alerts and critical vulnerabilities 24/7. Some districts might be tempted to think this is all they can do. Join us and explore different tools and approaches to reinforce your cybersecurity defenses and safeguard your entire K-12 technology infrastructure.

Ransomware-as-a-Service is Changing the Game
How School Districts Can Protect Themselves

Thursday, March 21

Security Awareness Trainings
Co-hosted with Securus360 Partner CybeReady-logo-resized

Thursday, November 9

Limitations of EDR

Thursday, February 23

Securus360 is an all-inclusive network security monitoring solution that offers the industry’s most effective, fully integrated platform that delivers threat visibility across the entire infrastructure: end points, servers, network, cloud instances and user behavior, all on a single pane of glass. Our leading Managed eXtended Detection & Response (MXDR) and SOC-as-a-Service platform provides threat intelligence, threat hunting, security monitoring, incident analysis, and incident response.

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